The classic dilemma for many of us is to be promoted on the basis of demonstrated skills in our chosen careers. The further up the tree we get however, the more we find that the job consists not so much of doing the work, but making sure it gets done – so the role becomes more and more one of managing and leading others, an entirely different skillset to the one we may have been hired for originally.
As most of us have learnt, there is no ‘one size fits all’ formula for growing leaders. There are however, identifiable skills and behaviours that can be practised and developed that do increase leadership capabilities.
Coaching for leadership development usually consists of identifying what leadership skills you already possess and using those as a platform to build on, and also identifying what it would be useful to improve. Often we will use a 360 degree profile to provide some input from others and data to work with.
Often a client will come to leadership development coaching when faced with a very specific leadership challenge or purpose. In these cases, coaching is tailored to meet that particular situation and to develop a plan of action to move toward a creative outcome or solution.
You can choose to focus on any or all of the following topics or areas for your coaching. The coaching will be tailored to your specific needs.
- Leading yourself - setting goals and being accountable.
- Managing others - effective handling of relationships.
- Identifying your skill set - playing to your strengths.
- Managing for outcomes - project based concerns.
- Thinking creatively - loosen up and expand into the new.
- Balancing work and life.
This coaching is specifically tailored to the types of situations you as an executive leader are confronted with. Practical techniques for dealing with these situations are explained and practised in role plays. Issues and concerns that you are up against are carefully analysed and discussed, the coach acting as a guide and sounding board to assist you to develop strategies to deal with these.
Sessions of coaching are normally one hour in duration.
The initial session may be two hours to establish groundwork for the program.
Coaching programs can vary in length from 4, 6 or 12 sessions up to ongoing regular sessions.
Frequency can vary from weekly to fortnightly to monthly.
For bookings and enquiries simply phone 1300 922 122 or click here